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Writer's pictureDetermin8tor Diaries

How to Successfully Navigate Business and Personal Challenges While Working with Family as a Team

Updated: Sep 16

One of the biggest challenges we ran into with our business was when we tried to relocate it to Florida in 2009 and we could not make a go of it, we crashed. It was a big financial downfall. We decided to move back to California in 2011, best decision, business has grown 389% over the last 10 years.

Woman with red hair.
Melissa Wohlberg l Water Filter Specialist

To overcome those challenges, we hit the ground running when we returned to California. We promoted every which way we could think of: door knocking, Google, Yelp, referral fee offerings, mailers, business network meetings. As we grew the business we no longer needed to door knock or do the network marketing (we kept in the areas that brought us the most value).

A time I persisted through a challenge was when I found out I had breast cancer (2017). It wasn't easy but my husband and I decided we were going to increase our success no matter what was happening. I had surgery then radiation treatments, took meds and did a lot of physical therapy, and in 2022 was done with all treatments. Our family is what kept us both going. Oddly enough, that was the most growth we had in our business that year. Now, four of our kids work in our business with us, we travel together, and in general kick butt together!

It wasn't easy but my husband and I decided we were going to increase our success no matter what was happening.

A time we had to deal with a Naysayer was a time we had to deal with another company bad-mouthing ours and trying to ruin our reputation to grow their business. Our business can get rattled from time to time with not-so-ethical people. However, we just kept selling and put out good PR (Public Relations) and ignored their negativity.

Group of 10 people
West Coast Water Filtration l Huntington Beach, CA USA

A time we Slayed The Nay, was when mortgage industry crashed affecting us dramatically because new home owners were our target market. There were no financing options available to our customers so we had to really sell the value of what we provided and why it was needed at the time. Many companies in our industry went out of business because financing helped close deals and for us 50% of our sales came from the availability of financing. It is now like 5%. We set our pricing to be fair to the customer (example we sell for $3500 what others sell for $7500) so we get a HUGE amount of referrals and repeat customers. This is how we Slayed The Nay, most other companies do not see the referrals we see.

As for goals, my family and I enjoy our time together. We set goals of personal and family achievements each January and we work as a team to hit those targets which are business and personal related like trips, new cars, personal enhancement. We like to take a big family trip to Hawaii each year (11 of us) this motivates us to work hard but smart.

One piece of advice I would give is writing out your goals first, the big ones. Then working out what needs to be done to get those achieved. I also love to THINK BIG! I work best with naming the long term goal first, then hitting the daily goals needed. But my best advice is take care of you. Your physical and spiritual well-being make all the rest possible.

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