The terrorist attacks in NYC on 9/11/2001 impinged upon my life so powerfully that I decided to make a major career change in my life. I was going to leave the Pharmaceutical industry and start working as a minister at my church. It was a huge risk as I took a massive decrease in pay.

I was raised to go to college and get a high paying job with the myth told that all would be well. I realized that this was one of the biggest lies sold to us as young adults and I bought it! I was miserable and the world around me was crumbling before my eyes. I needed to take action and that motivation led me to my career change.
As a result, I have helped hundreds of people and inspired others to help themselves and their community. Most importantly, I kept my integrity in to do what was right, despite the voices in my mind telling me that I will fail. It was important to me to show that being true to your values can make a difference.
Recently, during the pandemic, I was faced with another life changing decision I needed to make. I was called upon by my church to help with an assignment. It required me to leave my husband and three children for many months to complete it. Even though I knew with all my heart, I was doing the right thing, it was a struggle to be away from my family for that long. There were times where I wanted to give up.
There were times where I wanted to give up.

But I found a purpose stronger than my doubts to overcome my fears because I knew I was doing the right thing and I knew I had a responsibility to help my community. Not only that but, I had been trying to achieve a level of leader competence which satisfied my personal expectations of myself for the past twenty years and this assignment was going to help me reach that goal and serve my church community better! To quit, when I ran into personal inconvenience or doubts would have let myself and my church group down. Part of being the best mom I can be is to set a good example of integrity and leadership to my children. This was my chance to do so!
Part of being the best mom I can be is to set a good example of integrity and leadership to my children.
In addition to overcoming those obstacles to achieve a greater community connection and contribution to it, I established a Virtual Assistant business because that will help others achieve personal goals in life which will make our society a better place to flourish in. It will also help me provide for my family in this unstable economy and world, so it's a win-win.